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We recommend to install and run DSP on Mac or Linux machine optionally with an appropriate MPI library. The software packages necessary to build the source code of DSP are listed below.

External Solvers

At least one of the following external MIP solvers needs to be given in UserConfig.cmake.

  • Gurobi
  • SCIP: We strongly recomment to use SCIP version 7 or higher.

OOQP can be optionally used by setting the path to MA27 library.a


The following libraries are necessary but may already be available on most computers. If not, you can download them by using apt-get, brew, or any other way of your preference.

  • GNU/LLVM C++ compiler: the other compilers (i.e., intel) were not tested.
  • CMake: This package is to build DSP and all the other external software packages.
  • BLAS/LAPACK: These linear algebra libraries may already be available on your machine.
  • gfortran: GNU Fortran compiler and library.
  • bzip2/zlib: These packages are required to build one of the external software packages used in DSP.

Optional Library

  • MPI: This library is optional to build and run DSP, but required to run DSP in parallel.